E1.Separate Tides
E2.Escaping Expulsion
E3.Echoes of the Past
E4.Keeping Up A-fear-ances
E5.Through the Looking Glass Ruins
E6.Hunting Palismen
E7.Eda's Requiem
E8.Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door
E9.Eclipse Lake
E10.Yesterday's Lie
E11.Follies at the Coven Day Parade
E12.Elsewhere and Elsewhen
E13.Any Sport in a Storm
E14.Reaching Out
E15.Them's the Breaks, Kid
E16.Hollow Mind
E17.Edge of the World
E18.Labyrinth Runners
E19.O Titan, Where Art Thou
E20.Clouds on the Horizon
E21.King's Tide