Scott Schamell é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em The Outwaters (2022), Exvallis e Card Zero (2023).
Scott Schwartz nasceu o 12 de maio de 1968 em Sacramento, Califórnia, EUA. É ator e produtor, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em O Brinquedo (1982), Uma História de Natal (1983) e Hora de Viver (1985).
Scott Scurlock was born on 5 March 1955 in Reston, Virginia, USA. He died on 28 November 1996 in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Scott Sederquist é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Vibration (2020).
Scott Sedita é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em New York Goes to Hollywood (2008), Fight for Fame (2005) e La La Land (2010).
Scott Seiss é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em O Urso do Pó Branco (2023).
Scott Sell é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em O Último Homem Hetero (2014), Another Plan from Outer Space (2018) e Out to Kill (2014).
Scott Seven is a Los Angeles-based writer, actor, producer and entrepreneur from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Being considered "different" is nothing new to them, having grown up as the oldest of six siblings, in a home-schooled family. High School was a big jump at age fifteen, and rising to new challenges became a permanent part of their life. With no interest in college, only new and exciting creative projects, Seven started their first production company at the age of twenty. Since then, Seven, their projects and their companies have been featured on major media outlets across the world, including ABC World News, CBS News, CNN, Daily Mail, Der Spiegel, ESPN, Fox News, Gawker, Good Morning America, The Huffington Post, Mashable, TechCrunch and The Today Show. In 2020, Seven launched social justice-focused brand "scottttttt apparel & supplies," alongside partners Kaitlyn Volpe, John Erickson and Bubby. In 2022, Seven and partner Michael Raley launched It's Just An LLC to produce live comedy shows, including vegan comic-powered event series "Comedy For The Animals" at Dynasty Typewriter in Los Angeles. As a vegan and passionate advocate for animal rights and human rights, Seven believes that economies of the future will be driven by compassion, justice and innovation.
Scott Sheldon é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Mortdecai: A Arte da Trapaça (2015), Renascida do Inferno (2015) e Inquilino Desajeitado (2012).
Scott Shepherd é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Ponte dos Espiões (2015), X-Men: Fênix Negra (2019) e Jason Bourne (2016).