Scott Peeler é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Cry for the Bad Man (2019) e Manifesto (2012).
Scott Pelley nasceu o 28 de julho de 1957 em San Antonio, Texas, EUA. É casado com Jane Ruth Boone desde o 20 de agosto de 1983 e tem dois filhos.
Scott Perrie é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Psych (2006), Endgame (2011) e Projeto Livro Azul (2019). É casado com Leora Joy Perrie desde o 4 de abril de 2014 e tem dois filhos.
Scott Perry é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em The Rover - A Caçada (2014), Anzac Girls (2014) e Wastelander Panda (2012). É casado com Rachel desde o 31 de janeiro de 1998 e tem três filhos.
Scott Peterson was convicted of first-degree murder with special circumstances in the death of his wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner, on November 12, 2004, despite the lack of any direct physical evidence connecting him to the crime. Laci went missing on Christmas Eve 2002 while Scott said he was fishing. The case soon gripped the nation. As the weeks passed, Peterson traded in Laci's car and made inquiries about selling their home -- actions which raised suspicions. On April 18, 2003, after the remains of Laci and Conner washed up a few miles from where he said he was fishing, Peterson, his hair dyed blond, was arrested in San Diego. In his truck were $15,000 in cash and a survival kit; police speculated he was preparing to flee to Mexico. It was later learned Peterson had been having an affair with Amber Frey, and had cheated on Laci throughout their marriage. The prosecution theorized he murdered Laci because he wanted to be rid of the impending responsibility of fatherhood. On March 16, 2005, Peterson was formally sentenced to death and sent to San Quentin State Prison.
Scott Petty é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em The Challenger Disaster (2019), Washington's Armor Volume 1 - The Journey (2022) e Sanitatum (2018).
Scott Phelan é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em ON the ROOF (2015).
Scott Phillips é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Escape the Field (2022).
Scott Philyaw é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Batman: O Cavaleiro das Trevas (2008), Os 7 de Chicago (2020) e Rampage: Destruição Total (2018).
Scott Place é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Loon Lake (2019) e Pale Dawn (2020).