Sara Prata nasceu o 9 de setembro de 1984 em Portugal. É atriz, conhecida pelo seu trabalho em O Amor é um Sonho (2011), Jogo Duplo (2017) e Fascínios (2007).
Sara Putignano é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em O Preço do Poder (2021), Le indagini di Lolita Lobosco (2021) e Il padre d'Italia (2017).
Sara Quiriconi is a New England born actress, host, voiceover artist, writer, producer and entrepreneur with a deep passion for storytelling. She's had the opportunity to act in and co-produce a variety of films and series in both Los Angeles, Miami and internationally, respectfully. Sara thrives in portraying characters who are confident, strong, beautiful and intelligent with an inner conflict of lightness and darkness. As someone with experience in many creative angles in addition to acting, she brings to set skills in writing, directing, pre- and post-production, along with a calm, confident and profession demeanor. The youthful soul of a storyteller is something Sara played vivaciously as a child and has now dedicated her life to as a conscious-driven career as an adult. In addition to acting, creative production and hosting, Sara is a 20-year cancer survivor, author of Living Cancer Free, podcast host, speaker, and wellness and travel entrepreneur. She is incredibly athletic, taught yoga for nine years, and worked as an art director along her career path. Sara is a wellness travel expert, a mental health advocate and film and tourism leader with goals to be a long-term goal to win an Oscar for a Lead role, an Emmy as an Actor and Producer, and host an internally success wellness travel show.
Sara Rabey é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Lendas do Amanhã (2016), Hell's Tomb (2008) e Inedia.
Sara Rahman é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Earnest 101 (2018), Salaat (2010) e Maggie (2023).
Sara Ralla é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em El final del triptico (2018), Alone (2018) e Vera (2021).
Sara Ramirez nasceu o 31 de agosto de 1975 no México.
Sara Ricci nasceu o 27 de novembro de 1968 em Roma, Lazio, Itália. É atriz e gerente de produção, conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Il maresciallo Rocca (1996), Além das Nuvens (1995) e Weekend (2020).
Sara Risher é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em A Hora do Pesadelo (1984), Hairspray: E Éramos Todos Jovens (1988) e Lila & Eve: Unidas pela Vingança (2015).
Sara Ristori is known for Underwater Federica Pellegrini (2022) and Ginnaste (2011).