Roman Evdokimov é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Yardy (2020), Montanha da Morte: O Incidente na Passagem Dyatlov (2020) e Rikoshet (2020).
Roman Fiori é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Downtime (2018), Veronique (2018) e Cursed Diamond (2018).
Roman Florentin é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Sand Serpents (2009), DNA (2019) e Encontros ao Acaso (2019).
Roman Frankl nasceu o 18 de março de 1954 em Slaskie, Polônia. É ator e autor, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Globo de Prata (1988), Wsciekly (1980) e Klajmax (2011).
Roman Frayssinet é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Les méchants (2021), Julien Lacroix (2014) e Migraine (2017).
Roman R. Gackowski is a producer and director of film, television and digital content whose work has been distributed by partners including Netflix, ESPN, FOX Sports, NBC Sports, Outside Television, National Geographic and Discovery HD Theater. After beginning his career as a producer of Giants Today, a multiple Emmy-winning magazine program featuring the NFL's New York Giants, Gackowski began producing similar programs for other professional sports franchises, including the NBA's New Jersey Nets and MLB's New York Mets. In 1998, the creation of RGTV, an all-media production company that has grown to become a premiere end-to-end outfitter of content, coincided with Gackowski's move to documentary filmmaking. Metro Sports Legends was one of his first forays into the medium, featuring films on Joe Namath, Lew Alcindor, Thurman Munson and the New York Islanders Dynasty. Soon after, Gackowski produced Pit of Swallows and The Core, which chronicled the exploits of legendary climber, adventurer and activist Dean Potter. Two more adventure themed documentaries, distributed by National Geographic International, soon followed: Shelter from the Storm, which was shot on location in the Canadian arctic, garnered Best Adventure Film at the 2005 Vail Film Festival and 2007's La Bas, which was filmed in Morocco's High Atlas mountains. A tribute to his versatility, Gackowski has simultaneously produced and directed Emmy-winning television programming for MSG Network and FOX Sports Net. His productions of Summer of '77, The Lineup, The Game 365 and The Garden's Defining Moments, have been honored with 17 Emmy Awards since 2010. His most recent project for the network, the documentary series The Garden's Defining Moments, chronicled 20 of the greatest moments at the World's Most Famous Arena. More than 150 guests were interviewed for the expansive series, including luminaries Ringo Star, President Bill Clinton, Mike Tyson, Jon Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, Cyndi Lauper, Wayne Gretzky, Vince McMahon and Pat Riley. Recently, Gackowski and RGTV have collaborated with Beverly Hills-based OBB Pictures on the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary Gonzo @ The Derby and the Netflix feature documentary film One in a Billion.
Roman Gancarczyk nasceu o 17 de março de 1964 em Malopolskie, Polônia. É ator, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Mój Nikifor (2004), Teatr Telewizji (1953) e Pod mocnym aniolem (2014). É casado com Anna Radwan.
Roman Garcia é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Average Joe (2021), Now Hiring (2014) e Love After (2011).
Roman GianArthur Irvin é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Rio 2 (2014), Moonlight: Sob a Luz do Luar (2016) e Antebellum (2020).