Brian Scott Gilmore nasceu em Atlanta, Georgia USA. É ator, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Traffickers (2021), Atlanta Justice (2020) e The Wilderness Road (2021).
Brian Seech é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Crossing Paths 2023 e Mountain Devil 2 (2022).
Brian Sellers is known for Heavy Rescue: 401 (2016).
Brian Sergent nasceu o 29 de dezembro de 1959 em Wellington, Nova Zelândia. É ator, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em O Senhor dos Anéis: A Sociedade do Anel (2001), Fome Animal (1992) e Loucos por Nada (2007).
Brian Sgambati é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Má Educação (2019), Hospital New Amsterdam (2018) e Bull (2016).
Brian Shackelford is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University film school in California and the founder of Tunnel Vizion Films, Inc. Tunnel Vision Films specializes in taking film and television projects from concept to creation. Shackelford's production and post production experience includes over 800 hours original and non-fiction programming for the following gaming, film and television companies: ESL, ESP, OGN, 20th Century Fox, New Line Cinema, VH1, MTV, 51 Minds Entertainment, 44 Blue, Ryan Seacrest Productions, World of Wonder, T Group Productions, Electus, Scott Sternberg Productions, and Down In Front Entertainment. He has worked as a cinematographer and lead editor for numerous independent films, television projects before directing, shooting and editing his own features, documentaries, TV Pilots, animation, music videos and web series. Pursuing his love of animation, Brian created, wrote, and directed the animated film festival favorite "Porn Editor." The project was one of five finalist in the HBO Short Film Festival, and was later optioned by HBO. The project has been featured on HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax. Next Shackelford created, wrote, shot, directed, and edited the mock reality television pilot "Animal Control". The project received the Golden Kahuna Award from the Honolulu Film Festival for best comedy TV pilot. Brian later produced, wrote, directed, shot, and edited "The Sweet Life," a reality web series starring Food Network "Cupcake Wars" champions, Southern Girl desserts owners, Catarah Hampshire Coleman and Shoneji Robison. Since then he has created animated promos for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Fuse TV show "Battle of The Bands." The American Black Film Festival (ABFF) 20th Anniversary, DJ Khaled, Chance The Rapper, and Tiffany Haddish. May 12th marks the release date of his latest award winning documentary "The Color of Medicine: The Story of Homer G. Phillips Hospital" about the rise and fall of the first all black premiere hospital in the world from 1937-1942. June 16th Vision Films will release Shackelford's latest project, the family friendly, adventure filled film, "Hidden Orchard Mysteries: The Case of the Air B & B Robbery. The story follows two girls of color, who solve mysteries in their suburban neighborhood. It's Nancy Drew meets Scooby Doo with a little something for everyone.
Brian Sheehan é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Top Gun: Ases Indomáveis (1986), O Garoto do Futuro (1985) e Total Force (1996).
Brian Sheesley nasceu o 14 de abril de 1967 em Califórnia, EUA. É diretor, conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Dan Vs. (2011), Futurama (1999) e O Acampamento de Lazlo (2005).
Brian Shehan é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Transformers (2007), Hancock (2008) e Transformers: A Vingança dos Derrotados (2009).