Aïcha Cissé é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Un ange (2018), Storm Lara (2021) e Perseguido pelo destino (2017).
Aïda Ballmann is a Canarian actress, director and producer. Born on the island El Hierro, of German descent. She studied Dramatic Art in Gijón and finished her degree in Seville in 2009. In addition, she trained in Meisner technique (in Germany and Spain), amongst others. Her first works in theater were with the companies La sonrisa del lagarto, Fauna y Arte and La carbonería de la Lola, with which she participated in more than twelve productions. She also worked as a stunt, which led her to participate in the productions El oro del Rin and La Valquiria of La fura del Baus. In 2012 she starred her first feature film The extraordinary tale, by J.F. Ortuño and Laura Alvea, shot in English, for which she was awarded as best actress at the Cardiff Independent Film Festival and at Film Bizarro, nominated as best actress at the Andalusian Film Awards (ASECAN) and reviewed in magazines such as Hollywood Reporter. Shortly after, she was awarded as best actress at the Festivalito for Perséfone and received the Leoncio Morales award for her contribution to the culture of her native island. She participated in Spanish series such as "Lo que escondían sus ojos", "El tiempo entre costuras", "Águila Roja", "Brigada de fenómenos" and "Malviviendo" and starred in various Spanish and international feature films. Among them: "La velocidad de nuestros pensamientos" by Nacho Chueca, the German production "Die Insel" by Lars Ostmann, "El gigante y la sirena" by Roberto Chinet, "Atlánticas" by Guillermo García López, "The Europeans" by Víctor García León or "Gleich" by Jeniffer Castañeda. Of her short films, "Five Minutes" by Genesis Lence stands out. Its world premiere was at the Short Film Corner section of the 74th Cannes Film Festival. She co-starred it with her sister Serai Ballmann. Her debut as a director and producer was with the documentary "Sand Path", screened at more than thirty-five festivals, in which she talks about interculturality.
Aïko Shimouchi é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Gotas Divinas (2023).
Aïmen Derriachi é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Jette la Clé (2019), Lily of the Valley e Inimigos Íntimos (2018).
Aïssa Maïga nasceu em 1975 em Dakar, Senegal. É atriz e diretora, conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Paris, Te Amo (2006), Bonecas Russas (2005) e O Menino que Descobriu o Vento (2019).
Aïssa Mbogo é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em Lingui (2021).
Aïssam Bouali é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Indiana Jones e a Relíquia do Destino (2023), John Wick 3: Parabellum (2019) e O Resgate: O Dia da Redenção (2021).
Aïssatou Diallo Sagna é conhecida pelo seu trabalho em A Fratura (2021), Même au milieu des ruines e Le retour (2023).
Aïtor de Calvairac é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em Tout va bien (2023), Os Confins do Mundo (2018) e Franklin (2024).