Paula Kehoe
Paula Kehoe is an award-winning filmmaker whose work is informed by an interest in social justice, the environment, language and culture. 'An Dubh in Gheal: Assimilation' won the Radharc Award for excellence in social documentary in 2014. 'Deargdhúil: Anatomy of Passion' is a critically acclaimed creative portrait of the revolutionary Irish poet Máire Mhac an tSaoi. Paula created Ireland's first VR 360 filmpoem, 'I am Galway 2020' as Filmmaker in Residence for Galway's successful bid for European Capital of Culture in 2020. Her most recent work is a six part creative docudrama series An Diabhal Inti (The Devil's in Her) and the cine-poem City of a Thousand Suns (co-directed with Feargal Ward).
Paula's work has been shown at the Galway Film Fleadh; Irish Film Institute; Female Eye Film Festival Toronto; Irish Film Festival Sydney; Cuala Festival New York; Capital Irish Film Festival Washington DC; Cork Film Festival; Screen4All 360 Film Festival Paris and many more.