Mike Messier
As an Actor, Mike Messier has shared scenes with Meryl Streep & Elisabeth Shue (Hope Springs), Wesley Snipes, Cybill Shepherd & Mario Van Peebles (Hard Luck), Eric Roberts & Jason London (Mr. Birthday), Peter Greene & Federico Castelluccio (The Mick and The Trick), and Richard Jenkins & Frances McDormand (Olive Kitteridge).
Messier has won a total of 56 awards in acting, photography, film direction and production, TV and web series production, screenwriting, and playwriting.
Mike was a script consultant on Lennox Lewis: The Untold Story, writing many of the voiceovers read by Dr. Dre. Messier's The Hospital Bed won the Best Director, Ultra Short Award in the Spring 2020 Alternative Film Festival. Messier won the Best Actor Award, Ultra Short Category from the Alternative Film Festival for his spoken word performance in The Never Was. Messier's short silent film Disregard, which he wrote, produced, and directed, won Best Short Surreal at the 2022 Cult Movies International Film Festival.
Mike studied Acting and Directing under Barry Primus, Steve Fierberg, and Tom Kane, among others. Inspired by his work with Primus, Mike created and developed C.O.R.E. A.C.T.I.N.G. - an intense scene study and character development class.
The Nature of the Flame won Best Cinematography from the inaugural My Love Michelle Short Film Festival from San Antonio; Best Short from Canada's YES! Let's Make a Movie Film Festival; Best Cinematography, Short from The Alternative Film Festival, and Best Environment/ Nature Short Film from Makizhmithran International Film Festival in India. Messier wrote and directed the piece, co-produced with cinematographer/editor Chris Hunter.
Mike's screenplay To Fight or Play Basketball, a coming-of-age story about a young man with a gift for sports, has won awards from Rhode Island International Film Festival and the Mediterranean Film Festival (MedFF). Fight or Play Basketball has recently been adapted into a novel, which can be found through most major online book distributors including Amazon.
Mike's early film work with frequent collaborator cinematographer/editor Tim Labonte included The Wrestling With Sanity Short Film Trilogy (Sacrilege, God's Country, and Rich & Famous) which won a total of three awards.
Messier and Labonte also teamed to win Best Editing at the 2011 PEG Awards for Mike Messier Show. Mike's show had previously won Best Series in 2005, a season highlighted by episodes with The Suicide Girls, Providence Roller Derby, and rock legends Skid Row.
Mike's feature film narrative, titled Blood! Sugar! Sid! Ace!, examines what happens to a middle-aged man when his creations turn against him. Mike wrote, directed, and produced the film.
In 2017, Messier began work with Boston's Play In A Day Festival produced by Michael Gonza at Natick's Common Street Spiritual Center as a contributing stage play writer, director, and host. As a stage actor himself, Mike has performed on stage for various groups including Daydream Theater led by Writer/Director Lenny Schwartz and Murder on Us, a comedy ensemble led by Writer/Director John Thayer.
Messier Mantra is an interview show with filmmakers, Actors, and holistic healers. Each guest on the show shares a personal "mantra" that they cite as a motivating factor in their lives and careers. In addition, Mike's Messier Moments are on-location interviews featuring Maria Kanellis, boxer Vinny Paz, and acclaimed stage and film Actor Jonathon Silverman among others.
Disregard the Vampire: a Mike Messier Documentary has won awards for Best Documentary at the Shawna Shea Film Festival and Diabolical Horror Film Festival, with more award victories gained for the film's trailer, film poster, and promotional photo for a total of thirteen awards.
Messier is moving forward with A Distance from Avalon: when the dying and the dead reunite, an enhanced vision comes off the Disregard experience, which Messier claims is his most epic writing yet. A Distance from Avalon is available as a screenplay, stage play, and novel (through Amazon).
The Impeccable, a 23-minute short, which features Mike's work as a Writer/Director and Producer, won Best Supporting Female Performance by Naira Zakaryan from the Shawna Shea Spring Shorts Film Festival in May 2019 and Best Actress for Ashley Shea from the Alternative Film Festival.
Mike's mobile film rant It's Good to be Hated won Best Documentary from the Super 9 Film Festival, and the short was broadcast on cable TV in Portugal as part of the festivities.
"Messier Peace Theater presents That Night" is a unique six-part series that can be seen on Mike's YouTube Channel. Messier filmed Seduction of Distance, starring himself as Jean La Croix Distance, the antagonist in A Distance from Avalon, which has gone on to win five awards.
Mike's interest in Pro Wrestling has seen him perform as a wrestler, ring announcer, commentator, and manager. Mike once had a job interview for the WWE Creative Writing team in Titan Tower and was later featured in a one-hour interview with Vince Russo, on Russo's "Bucket Full of Chicken Necks" broadcast.
Mike's Pro Wrestling rants, memories, and wrestler interviews, along with most of his other works, can be found on "Subscribe to Mike Messier YouTube Channel (yes, that's the name of the channel)".
Mike's website is www.mikemessier.com