Linus Lamar
Lamar is a Gen. Z actor, model, athlete and musician. While having been in the industry for over 5 years, he has been in 8 theatrical productions, indie films and TV shows. At 17, his friends raised over $10k to film a mini series called Aurora Nova, shot all over the PNW. He then started taking classes in Portland Or, before hitting it off in the short film industry.
He spent the summer of 19' at New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts; or NYCDA, studying with Maury Ginsberg, Chris Pytlak and Lane Binkley to name a few.
Lamar specializes in the portrayal of the best friend, student, son, nerd, receptionist and now jock. Recently, Linus performed the role of Stevie; a high school jock, in an independent horror flick called Baby Fever which is running its course in film festivals around the US, and as of recent, Manchester, UK.