Ken Stamp
So, he said, 'Ken, have you ever done any acting before?'. So, I said 'No'. So, he said 'Right, I've got just the part for you'... and the rest, as they say, is...well... 'we'll see'. Born Kenneth Graham Stamp in Cornwall, England to Avon sales lady Hilda and Ship to Shore radio operator Ray. He attended school in North Wales and college in Leicester. After which, Stamp traveled the world for some 20 years - the Caribbean, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East - whilst working in a variety of professions, before returning to his home country. It was then that he was introduced 'into this crazy actor's life'.
Although he studied drama in college, Stamp spent half his life before he found what was perhaps his true calling. Becoming an actor relatively late, he soon began to receive, compliments, and genuine approval, from both Directors and co-actors alike. Being deemed as 'talented', 'professional', and at times 'mesmerising' by his contemporaries.
Ken has since featured in a number of award-winning films, including:
As 'Younger George', the husband of 'Grace', played by Lindsay Duncan in the drama, CALL ME BACK, with Sophia Myles, and Jim Broadbent. And as leads, in the Multi-International-award-winning, GOING HOME - Shown at the Cannes Film Festival. And the powerful, thought-provoking, DRIVER - Best Actor.
Together with supporting roles in Features such as:
DRAGONFLIES ONLY LIVE FOR 24 hrs., a multi-award-winning, gritty crime drama, and the Horror, TOY BOX KILLERS - Best Actor Nominee.
Now firmly established, Stamp can also bring his experience to contribute creatively to scripts, helping to bring intensity and depth to the characters he plays.