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Brandon has accumulated over 150 hours on set in film and television His first paid role was on the T.V. advert "WE ARE MOTHERS " This was a television advert for the P.S.N.I IN 2015 He then starred in a local feature by Apex Picture called "The Jar" as Jake in the summer of 2016 which is touring the American film festivals at present and has been accepted into 10 to date After that he co Starred in a local short by Lucy McMullen called "SEAR" Which received recognition form a large worldwide company in 2017 Brandon secured a role in the up and coming TV series as DAVEY in "COME HOME" a television series set in Belfast which should be broadcast sometime in 2018 IN DECEMBER 2018 Brandon also starred as a role of a young boy called Mikey in a local short film called "SANTAS GROTTY" shot over one day "
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